• This number was often allocated to Social Media. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Social Media at the end of the page.

Social Media from Durban 0311013260 / +27311013260

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: Social Media more...
Ratings: 290 (deleted: 5)
Search requests: 59372
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (3/19/20, 9:11 PM)

Kane wrote: I seriously need help and I don't know what to do so me and my friend was just fooling around cause ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Durban - South Africa
Telephone number: 031-1013260
Phone number +27311013260 from Durban tagged as Debt collection company 31 times.

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The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 0814254669 0105346324 0117638698 0218184190 0871584441
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Search requests are very high in a particular day (presumably Callcenter) and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +27311013260

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
31 reports
Harassment calls
23 reports
13 reports
Cost trap
5 reports
Aggressive advertising
2 reports
Caller Name:
18 reports
Social Media
3 reports
3 reports
social network
2 reports
Social Network
2 reports
adult entertainment (2) TNC admin for hotlips sex chatline (2) Pvt (2) TNC (2) hot live girls (2)
Social Networking Investigation (1) adele live sex chat from 0311013202 (1) diamond sex chatline (1) Joy (1) Marilyn (1) Diamond Rush (1) Private (1) social live 0311013009 (1) social (1) Hot live Girls (1) 0311013009 (1) social network investigating (1) Marilyn / Social Network (1) Hot Live Girls Adult Sex Chat Line (1) Tracey (1) Hot live nude girls adult sex chat company (1) Social Network/Hot Live Girls (1) diamond rush 1 (1) Sni investigations (1) Sosial network/hot live girls (1) Diamond Ruah (1) wtf (1) 03111013260 (1) Chants investigations (1) Chant Investigations (1) Social Media Investigations (1) tnc dj viljoen (1) Hot live girls/social network (1) Tnc (1) Social network investors (1) Sasha lee (1) Trollip industries (1) George (1) Robert - [email protected] (1) Social Network / Lani (1) Social network investigation & collections (1)
Phone number +27311013260 from Durban tagged as Debt collection company 31 times: These scurrilous and crooked a-holes are... 59372 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 0311013260?

  1. 3

    Investigator Con-Tester reported Social Network/Hot Live Girls with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    1/20/16, 8:25 PM

    These scurrilous and crooked a-holes are continuing their intimidation/scare tactics using different telephone numbers.

    Currently, they are using 0311013203.

    These guys are not legitimate. They are scammers, extortionists, usurers and thieves. If they call you, laugh at them and challenge them to sue you. Do it once or twice, and I promise you that they will fold like a cheap suit.

    Now FOAD, you scum-sucking maggots.

    shy replied 1/30/16, 9:44 AM
    i went threu the same thing only with another lady called lana i told my bosses and i told my wife. they can not do anything as there is a criminal suit against them already and i wil soon after this criminal suit follow with a civil suit i called there bluff the whole way .yess they do contact every body because they think they can force every body in to a corner to pay . charges that i laid down was black mail fraud crimen-injuria just to name a few although we called i am not scared because i clearly stated on the recordings that i am not intrested and by the way i was not notified that i was recorded and i have a coppy of these every body believe me pritty soon they will be behind bars because what they do is not a criminal act but how they do it is
    Blake replied 2/2/16, 9:14 AM
    Hi beautiful call me now 0424790638
    anonymous replied 2/2/16, 10:41 PM
    Hi... I paid them and feel terrible about it after reading this... I just want to know if the making the payment will affect me in the future?? I'm too afraid to speak to my parents about this... Please help
    just did my home work replied 2/5/16, 3:15 PM
    I also got a call from them and I googled allot of things and found this



    thought this might help all....

    di my home work replied 2/5/16, 3:30 PM
    If it is a scam why did I find this on google just wandering I am going to see my lawyer and rather ask his advice
    I also got a call from them and I googled allot of things and found this



    thought this might help all....

    Fekkah replied 2/5/16, 4:02 PM
    @just did my home work:
    Engage your brain, please. People who comment here that it’s a scam having nothing to gain from telling you it’s a scam—other than maybe doing the decent and human thing by warning others.

    In contrast, anyone who tries to tell you that it’s legit is very probably part of the scam and has a vested interest in you paying these crazy demands. Since there’s nothing to stop anyone here commenting under many different names, it’s also highly likely that all the comments saying they are legit came from the same one or two people.

    Furthermore, a phone call, even if recorded, will not stand up in court as a “final demand” for payment. There is a proper and narrowly defined process that collectors have to follow by law before they can come with their threats. These people have not followed that process and any magistrate will throw their case out, probably with costs, once you point out all their procedural flaws.

    Finally, if they send you SMS threats, there’s a very good chance that they are in breach of both ECTA and CPA regulations.

    No, these people are making so many mistakes that the chances of them being legit are close to zero.
    Wolf replied 8/29/16, 3:32 PM
    I paid R1,600 last week Thursday..
    After reading these comments..I feel scammed..damm
    Fekkah replied 8/29/16, 4:01 PM
    Sorry to read that, but yes, it's a total scam. I'm still waiting to hear from them and it's been almost a year.

    Do others a favour and spread the word. Crooks like these shouldn't be allowed to get away with this.
    Mike replied 10/6/16, 8:48 AM
    So I got a phone call from a company .. same as the other comments .. saying I owe the R1600 etc .. but not sure if it's the same company .. was from an 086 number .. are they all connected as one? They said I need to pay .. I hung up as soon as she started talking sexual .. my question is.. are they all connected to one company and just trying their luck?
    Amaan replied 11/26/16, 8:13 AM
    They have also called me , gave me allot of information about me which is making me scared, they say they got the information from Telekom I need a quick advice plz
    Fekkah replied 11/26/16, 8:20 AM
    They are scammers, crooks and liars. Don't pay them. Tell them to get lost.

    To understand why I say this, read my other comments on this page.
    Anon replied 3/27/17, 5:14 PM
    Guys i got a phone call today, i do admit to using it as it was a dare from friends on a friends bachelor's night, however i am currently unemployed and the number belongs to my cousin. What grounds do they have a case against me and can i avoid paying this?
    Fekkah replied 3/27/17, 5:31 PM
    Don't admit anything. Laugh at them. They are liars and bullies trying to collect easy money with hollow threats.

    They have to prove what they claim. Challenge them to meet you at a police station with their so-called proof. They won't come, guaranteed.

    It's been more than a year now and I'm still waiting for these crooks to take me to court like they threatened they would.
    superman replied 4/19/17, 1:50 PM
    I also receiving calls from Joy and other names threatening me for a large ridiculous sum of monies to be deposited into FNB. She also sent sms's ruthlessly. I seeked legal advise and also reported matter to SAP. Surprisingly, this website has SO MANY comments of such fraudsters. The site has NO procedural compliance for recording conversations- hence do NOT pay. SAP already got Diamond Rush details for further investigation. I know Joy is also accessible to this site- but who cares when you got the support from so many innocent victims.
    ryan replied 6/4/17, 6:53 PM
    Thanks guys this girl white girl named niki 0844419226 didn't give her identity number she said it was free an asked for my bbm pin,then she sent me voice notes and called me to reply I'm so scared now wat if it was a scam and she claims ,can they claim without my identity number please advise
    ryan replied 6/4/17, 8:27 PM
    Hi fekka can u please give me ur contact number incase of advice
    ryan replied 6/5/17, 7:56 PM
    Guys have anyone been summon to court please advise
    Fekkah replied 6/5/17, 8:02 PM
    FFS again, Ryan. READ the DAMN comments here and STOP WORRYING. NOTHING is going to happen to you IF YOU FOLLOW THE ADVICE HERE!
    Nabster replied 12/22/17, 5:54 PM
    Well hi, lol.

    I guess I'm here too.

    Anyways, So yeah basically fuck this. Let's bring them down now ? Cause I'm done.

    Let me give you a break down, and a bit of piece of mind.

    So I got a call from Adele, like, two days ago. And she can shove it up her formal illegal fake company front's thing ..

    I'll tell you why though, and let me take you through my situation, that will justify most comments here. ie. this should be the only comment you should read, if you're here. and guess what you're here !

    It's extortion.

    Yeah you knew that.

    They go through illegal channels and by pure brute intimidation.

    Do not pay. Stand your ground.

    Nicholas replied 4/11/18, 6:02 PM
    I received a call from 0311013400 and they send a message Contact Lani during office hours on 0311013400 regarding possible fraud commited. If no contact is made we will regard it as admission of guilt. The owner of the phone under investigation on my cell phone number will be subpoened and held liable for all costs incurred, fraud charges may be laid at the SAPS. Your ref:*****/04/18. I tried calling them twice and they said they will call me back regarding the issue. When I checked on the true caller it says " sn investigation" . Then I try to google to find there website. You know what there is no website. Please help guys. Should I log a case to SAPS to investigate this.
    Fekkah replied 4/11/18, 6:14 PM
    @Nicholas: Do nothing except read all of the comments here. They will answer all of your questions and worries. You have nothing to fear. They are trying to bully you into paying. You will understand much better after reading the comments.
    Charles replied 6/23/18, 8:03 AM
    They are also using 031 1001 3400
    And I got a SMS from +27 79 944 0726
    Scum Bags
    Flame replied 4/10/19, 12:46 PM
    So it seems I'm the latest victim here. I got a call from an abrupt lady claiming to be calling from Chant Investigations demanding R1794 paid to
    Claiming for fraud against me.
    They called from 0125343621. Their website domain is registered but theres no actual website page. Their company is registered to KEITH VICTOR LEWIS. I asked for everything in writing but they sent me a pdf over whatsapp then called me after to make sure I got it saying that their internet was down which I dont believe. Which legit investigation company sends over whatsapp? Even without reading the comments here, this whole thing smells like a scam and I aint paying shit.
    cool replied 7/11/19, 4:46 PM
    netta also try to scam me, she used cell number 0647820077 and 0411111050 demanding R1795. I open a case at polise station against this scam.
    Yusuf replied 8/29/19, 4:24 PM
    Please can you pm me.
    Anonymous replied 9/27/19, 5:12 AM
    Hi please can u advise my husband finds himself in the same situation some call to a sex chat. I shouldn't really care. But he is in depression an I'm so worried that he does something to himself. A lady named Susan called she is demanding R1700 please can someone advise me on what to do please
    Random replied 10/21/19, 2:34 PM
    I got called this morning demanding money, they can go fly a kite.

  2. 1

    Investigator Charles Venter reported Robert - [email protected] with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    6/22/18, 6:19 PM

    I got a call from these people as described above, demanding payment of R1794.00 at about 3pm and this money had to be paid before 10am the next morning.
    They sent me an email, demanding payment.
    I spoke to an attorney and he told me to ignore them.
    At 10:17am the next morning a woman phoned me and told me she was from debt collectors, and told me the company, and all I said was 'Thank You Bye'
    Then I got a SMS threading me that they will black list me and will let my friends know, and that they will also charge me with fraud, and criminal court.
    It read that I must contact Robert at 031 101 3400
    They had all my details
    I am not paying and if they like we can go to court 'No Worries' like the Aussies well say

    Fekkah replied 6/22/18, 6:35 PM
    Good for you, Charles!

    In court, they will have to prove not only that you owe them anything, but also that they got all your details legally. It's highly doubtful that they did so.

    In any case, they can't blacklist you because there's no financial services provider registered under the name "Social Network".

    They are trying to scare you into paying because they have no case.
    anon replied 9/2/18, 7:26 AM
    what was the outcome? did you get a summon?
    Jack replied 9/20/18, 9:49 PM
    Did anything hapen in the end? Did anyone else know?
    Fekkah replied 9/21/18, 8:37 AM
    @Jack: Stop fussing and calm down, dude. They can't and won't do anything to you except try to bully and threaten you with hollow BS. They are acting illegally. If you ignore them long enough, they will leave you alone eventually.

    Just read all my other comments here on this page so you can understand.
    Hein replied 10/16/18, 1:59 PM
    They are now using this number 0105348143

  3. 1

    Investigator PLEASE HELP reported Sosial network/hot live girls with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    7/21/16, 1:50 PM

    Hi, a lady called Gail called me 2 days ago telling me that i owe them
    R 1 656 for not paying them.They also had a recording that i did not agreed to that they said they will send to my parents etc. but i never agreed to the t&c's and as soon as the girl on the phone started talking dirty i hung up. i read these comments and blocked the number. so another lady called me today giving a other name but i recognized her voice an i am usually never wrong with this telling me they are taking me to court. plz help what do i do.

    Fekkah replied 7/22/16, 5:34 AM
    Do nothing. They are liars and crooks who are trying to intimidate you into paying. Don't pay. They will eventually give up if you keep ignoring them. They won't take you to court because their case will get thrown out.

    And read the other comments here and under the number 0311013203 to understand why I'm saying this.
    jmaster replied 8/2/16, 4:53 PM
    Did you pay the money cuz im in same situation nd not sure if i must pay or not
    Fekkah replied 8/2/16, 5:09 PM
    No, I didn't pay a single cent. They tried to scare me with all sorts of threats. I laughed at them and told them to phucque off. They tried a few more times after that and I just told them the same thing. That was quite a few months ago. Since then they haven't contacted me in any way.

    They are liars, crooks and blackmailers who are trying to scare you. Don't pay.
    Jebi replied 3/30/17, 7:26 PM
    Hi all , I admit that I called them 6 month back and I told them my right name and where I work and all,
    So now they have called me from 0861005520 named sisha and threatening me to pay 1697Rand.
    I am very worried, if they will contact at my work place. They have my voice recorded . first I was bit interested to pay them if it was like 100 or 200, so I have asked them the amount to pay when she told me it's 2000Rand. I really don't have that much money to pay them. Please advise. will they do any police case or will they contact my working company
    Fekkah replied 3/30/17, 7:37 PM
    @Jebi: Ignore them. Don't admit anything when they call. They will leave you alone soon enough when they realise they can't intimidate you.

    You have nothing to fear. They have no legal case. To understand why, read the other comments here.
    ryan replied 6/4/17, 12:24 AM
    Hi guys I admit but When I asked They lady she told me the chat is free then I get a call from 0311013260 I cant tell anyone I jus dont know wat to do
    Boy replied 6/4/17, 6:06 PM
    It's a scam Ryan. Just ignore and block their number. I spoke to a lawyer friend and he advised me to tell them that they should contact him instead of me. Haven't heard from them since. They can't do anything. Ignore them
    ryan replied 6/4/17, 7:59 PM
    Please tell me what to do I called 0844419226 this white girl niki asked for my bbm pin then sent voice records I asked if its free she said yes,I then replied but never ask for identity number or anything I don't know if she going to claim can she with jus my phone number
    Fekkah replied 6/4/17, 8:19 PM
    FFS, Ryan, read the comments here!

    Do nothing. Admit nothing. Laugh at them. Challenge them to meet you at a police station with their "proof".

    There's nothing they can do to you. Their threats are empty. You are reacting exactly the way they expect you to.
    ryan replied 6/5/17, 8:06 PM
    Hi fekkah I'm jus worried cause a girl named niki she asked for my bbm pin and started sending voice notes no identity number was given I did reply on bbm voice I'm worried if she was a operator
    Boy replied 6/6/17, 11:54 AM
    @ryan. Check here bru, it's a scam. They can't do anything. If you want, when they contact you again, tell them to meet you at a police station. I bet they won't pitch up. Just ignore them. Don't answer their calls or better, block their numbers. They catching gullible guys to pay for what was supposed to be private. Ignore them!!!!
    ryan replied 6/6/17, 6:32 PM
    Guys please help can they charge for bbm voice notes aswel
    Fekkah replied 6/6/17, 6:43 PM

    The answers are all there.
    ryan replied 6/8/17, 12:49 PM
    Hi fekkah did they contact anyone and threathened them lately
    Johan replied 7/18/17, 11:13 PM
    Today I was called and they played the recorded call back to me I suddenly have to pay R1692 for some ridiculous woman who was sounding like she was reading a script and they are threatening me with a court of law if I don't pay up .Are they legaly in the right to do this as this is absolutely just bullying .What do you suggest?
    Fekkah replied 7/19/17, 5:57 AM
    Johan, I suggest you laugh at them. Then I suggest you don't pay. Then I suggest you take the trouble to actually read through the comments. Then I suggest you'll find the answers to your questions.

    Finally, I suggest that answering the same questions over and over again because people don't read what's in front of them quickly gets old.
    Mike replied 1/26/18, 5:19 PM
    Got a call and whatsup demanding R1695 immediately or go to court? Number 031 101 3400 and 0716225902 and they have our personal details??? Are they legit or scammers?
    Fekkah replied 1/26/18, 5:27 PM
    @Mike: Read the comments and you'll have all the answers you're looking for.
    sanz replied 6/11/18, 3:40 PM
    Tell them to fart away. Dont pay
    0013 replied 2/21/19, 3:57 PM
    - The FNB bank account belonging to SOCIAL NETWORK"(No. 62335318590 with branch code 250655) is being used to collect payments that ...

  4. 1

    Investigator pontius reported Diamond Ruah with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    12/17/14, 8:02 PM

    I was contacted by Diamond Rush Sex Chatline saying that I owe them R990. They said I have 24hrs to pay them or they will summon me to court. The lady's name is JOY. Is this legitimate? Or is it a scam?

    lawyer replied 12/18/14, 12:26 PM
    it is definitely a scam. they would never bother with the expense of trying to take you to court for that amount. they obtain your details illegally. they seem to have an insider in cel phone companies to get your personal details. this is illegal. Ask them to send you a proper invoice with their physical address on it so you can pay them a personal visit. they never do. its all a scam.
    pontius replied 12/18/14, 12:41 PM
    I have alerted various news agencies about these people. The Fraud Prevention South Africa Agency believe it sounds like an extortion scam. EWN news will investigate the company and the lady "Joy" and CrimeLine South Africa have been notified by me. The lady "Joy" phoned again this morning and left a voicemail saying I committed "FRAUD" which I don't see any grounds for. If they continue to harass me I will report the number to the South African Police Service who will have it traced and the owners prosecuted for extortion and verbal harassment
    lawyer replied 12/30/14, 9:14 AM
    I would be happy to give the police all my details and my story as it is high time that the police got involved in this scam.
    Seth replied 12/30/14, 3:49 PM
    I have received an sms by the same company Diamond rush it it for real coz I'm a teen and I did phone them I'm scared and dnt know what to do . Will they take legal action or it is a scam
    Joy replied 2/6/15, 12:22 PM
    Good day my name is Joy Nortje,1st of all 031 101 3260 is NOT Diamond Rush telephone number 2nd of all Iam registered debt collector!! We are not a scam!!!! My registration number is 0073930/14. Telling people not to pay their accounts with us and that we are a scam is absolute rubbish and you have NO right to make such allegations!! If the client has lied about his detail whilst obtaining the account it is FRAUD. We trace the information of the cell phone used to open the accout at national databases such as ITC so do not get a shock when we provide the client with his correct details!! The clients are infromed they are being recroded as the T&C are given to them and they agree, make use of the service and then when it comes to payment we are falsely accused of being a scam!! Diamond Rush is ligit. We DO NOT have to put our physical address on the letterheads or invoices as the ladies are on the premises and are protected as unfortunatly the men that call sometimes use their wives phones and then get all irate when the owner of the phone (being the wife ) gets called and is informed about what has taken place with her phone... We do get threats as some clients take this to a personal level and I will not accept my life or the ladies to be threatened because a man/lady who called the service and now because they have to pay want to come F** us up and KILL us...I mean seriously you cannot make it personal when you are being told to pay for what you used!!! a This is what it is a ADULT FANTASY SEX CHATLINE and we do not advertise as anything but a fantacy +18 chatline. When these men and woman call in, strange how its ok when they want to get the service but as soon as the payment is required there is all sorts of questions...if you called you must pay!!!!I will glady give the physical address to a lawyer once they have placed themselves on record!! I have dealt with lawyers in the past and it is funny how they have informed the client to pay as all the proof of when the account is given and the facts of the matter...you called, you must pay!! To open an account without the intent of paying for it is considered fraud, and yes it is a costly matter to handle legally, but this does not mean that we dont have the rights along with all the facts to proceed with it,and then it to will be a costly matter on the client to!!! As for the minors unfortunately they call and this is discovered when the account is not paid and we I the registered debt collector do further investigation...I then ask to deal with the parents, and NO a parent cannot be held responsible for the account BUT the child has then committed fraud and this may be taken further if the company chooses to do so!! So by all means go seek legal advice but make sure that you mention the fact..yes I called, yes I was told the T&C and yes I did rendered the service...so why are you not paying...oh they are a scam...proove it,otherwise do not make false accusations as I JOY NORTJE 076 7753490 who does the debt collecting for Diamond Rush have no problem to give what ever information it is you or your lawyer requires so that the facts may be dealt with and the client pays for his debt!!!!
    pontius replied 2/6/15, 12:31 PM
    One question Joy. If this number has nothing to do with Diamond Rush, why is it that you know about this website? This website is about the 031 number, not the 076 number. Which I can only conclude means that Diamond Rush is watching this website to use it to scare people into thinking you are legit
    Joy replied 2/6/15, 4:23 PM
    Iam responding as our name has been used to a number that DOES NOT belong to us...see the post.. I was contacted by Diamond Rush on 0311013260. Its clear this client has not only been contacted by us but clearly by more than one chatline. Call the number and hear where you end up. Point being if you have made the call pay your account end of story. Do not tell people to not pay and that we are a scam as this is FALSE (I speak here for Diamond Rush and have NOTHING to do with any of the other chatlines or thier runnings of their business) Iam replying to this aswell as I have been told by a client that they have "resported" me...phoned me from a private number screamed this at me and hung up..so Iam responding. I have nothing to hide as we are NOT a scam and STOP telling people not to pay!!
    lawyer replied 2/6/15, 4:48 PM
    Joy, Please give us the name of your debt collection agency. you give us a "registration number". what registration is that? Registrar of Companies? Please clarify. Please also give us the registered address of your business (whose name you have not given us)
    Joy replied 2/6/15, 6:40 PM
    For a "lawyer" its strange that you dont know what that number is? That is MY registration number call the council for debt collectors on 012 804 9808 Iam independant debt collector for Diamond Rush. As I have said the client or his legal reprasentative may place themselves on record and we will provide what ever information is required. Again my point is that you keep harping on about the "ligitimasy" but say nothing about the T&C that the client agreed to and used the service and now wants to smear us as a "scam" The number 031 1013260 DOES NOT BELONG TO Diamond Rush. Get the facts before making allegations and statements as you have done by saying "dont pay them" How about you say which law firm or company do you work for? And as for the clients that have used the service PAY your account..if you used the service then I most defnitly have the recording of when you opened the account and agreed to T&C. I have given what is required the rest by all means I will glady deal with a legal reprasentative and deal with the facts!!! Please stop making remarks about weather the clients should pay or not you have NO right. Again my number is there you may call during office hours mon-fri 8-3 and place yourself on record or for the clients out there YOU MADE THE CALL HAD YOUR NEEDS SATISFIED PAY YOUR ACCOUNT!!!
    pontius replied 2/6/15, 6:57 PM
    Firstly, how can a professional like you have such terrible grammar skills? And secondly, there is no company registered as Diamond Rush in South Africa. And since there are Ts & Cs, that means you provide a service. And if you provide a service, you have to be registered with SARS
    lawyer replied 2/7/15, 9:05 AM
    Oh Joy, What a complete fool you make yourself out to be. It is completely blatant that you are refusing to give any real meaningful information about Diamond Rush or your business. Please prove me wrong by giving us the registered business address of both these businesses. I would love the full names of the owners of Diamond Rush too. No doubt you're too chicken to illegal to put that information. Why is it that absolutely no one has received a document from you? what kind of tin pot business cannot send out a bill and a statement like every other normal business? Not to mention a bill showing your address and VAT number etc. All debt collection agencies send the debtors a letter to place on record what is owed etc.
    legal replied 2/11/15, 12:07 PM
    Dear Joy. if you are a registered debt collector, please make reference to the Debt Collectors Act - Code of Conduct. I am sure you are able to trace a copy of this online as easy as you are able to trace down details of people and text them. specific reference is made to section 5. you are in gross breach of this Code and the reason you won't furnish more details about your client is because it is not legit or its manner in conducting business is not legit. please please please do not ever attempt texting any civilian again. As you have been trained, the correct procedure is to send a formal registered letter. you are definitely standing on grounds for harassment and intimidation.
    pontius replied 2/11/15, 2:01 PM
    I ran you name and registration number through the Council for Debt Collectors and turned up with a nothing. You aren't even registered. You're just a criminal with a bad education
    Ripoff replied 8/1/15, 8:02 AM
    These people are at it again. This time it is a Joy Jordaan with the same bull dust threats. Is anyone aware if these crooks actually issued a summons for their bogus claims?
    Annoyed replied 8/5/15, 9:50 AM
    Also been called by a Marilyn, threatening to tell my folks about this call, she played the recording and said I need to pay R 1560 by tomorrow. I told her to email me an statement, its a word document with no VAT number or anything. She's called again at work this morning, I told her to call my boss mom dad girlfriend bc this is bullshit and im not paying. Btw Big thank you to "lawyer" your posts have been very informative.
    concerned replied 8/13/15, 10:13 AM
    Hi.. how did this end for you? I am experiencing a similar problem. Please help
    Peter replied 8/31/15, 12:25 PM
    Hi all. I was also contacted today regarding an outstanding amount of R860 and if I don't pay today, legal fees will be added. Shortly afterwards I received an sms reflecting R1560.yes I did make the call however the agent was not clear on the rates and I did not agree to it. A question gentlemen please, should I be concerned with this scram and if so the website advises that the company follows guardlines from 18 u.s.c 2257 law which is a USA ruling?

    Thank you for your time replying
    Ripoff replied 8/31/15, 1:16 PM
    PETER: Ignore them, they add legal fees which by law they are not entitled to, they will stop harassing you - don't make any payment. They are a bunch of crooks.
    Peter replied 8/31/15, 3:25 PM
    Ripoff:thank you for the advice. Just a follow up question, I'm a legit businessman so would these fools mess up my credit profile. A special thanks as well to the Lawyer.
    Peter replied 8/31/15, 3:31 PM
    On a funny note, I'm single at the moment and if I knew the correct rates from the old lady behind the call,I would have gotten the real thing with no stings or persecution.
    Ripoff replied 8/31/15, 3:31 PM
    Peter: No the cant, you can report them to various institutions - just ignore the fools. They will stop once they realize they cant intimidate you.
    Worried replied 10/14/15, 10:09 AM
    Also been contacted and extremely worried...they say I can put my lawyer into contact with them. Help?!
    dragonfly replied 11/5/15, 1:12 PM
    hi guys i was contacted by the same company and got the call and the sms....but not sure what to do......we had a few beers and played around on a cell phone......the ad came up and we phoned the number just as a joke.....must i worry or not is there a lawyer i can call to clarify this?
    Concerned citizen replied 11/7/15, 1:50 AM
    Hi, according to Joy Nortje, she said that Gold rush has nothing to do with the chatline, infact Gold Rush has everything to do with the site. Check this out!
    Anonymous replied 12/12/15, 9:42 AM
    These guys may even charge you a "tracking fee" but don't pay a cent! Well unless you really want to be exploited. Just a reply to the guy who got drunk,don't pay a cent and they can't make you because you can't enter into a contract and be intoxicated.
    WIFE replied 12/17/15, 2:57 PM
    then who is marilen
    anonymous replied 12/21/15, 9:59 AM
    Just a reply to "wife": this merilen is a scammer that's disguised as a debt collector, they will scam you continuously.

    They demanded money from me 2 years ago and after a few weeks they stopped bothering me. I'm a newly graduated lawyer (just over a year) and my friend was getting the same messages and calls. I gave them a piece of my mind and told them how what they are doing is illegal and they backed off the same day.
    mike replied 12/29/15, 10:35 AM
    Same thing happened to me saying I need to pay 5500 which includes the companies admin fee... Reminder to Pay Hot Live Girls at First National Bank. Account holder: Social Network. Account Number: 62335318590. Branch code: 250655. Reference number: 264375 Outstanding amount R5520.00. And Fax proof to 0862605580 or phone Marilyn 0311013203 . No later than 12:00 tomorrow 30/12/15 to avoid further legal action and possible fraud charges.
    just did my home work replied 2/5/16, 3:16 PM
    I also got a call from them and I googled allot of things and found this



    thought this might help all....

    ryan replied 6/7/17, 1:16 PM
    Hi fekkah but just checking what if they send summons or can they get my families numbers

  5. 1

    wtf reported number ‎0311013260 as wtf

    1/16/14, 6:38 PM

    If its not a scam how is the sex chat line and the social networking company connected? Lol keep away from this guys and plus , if u speak to those sex hotlines for like 10 minutes at R1.50 per minute/second or sumtn how is it that they giv u such a huge price like the R 900's and R 2700's , please guys stay away

    clark replied 6/25/14, 11:58 AM
    Right in the middle of them requesting payment and I didn't user this service. Are you 100% certain they are scamming. They are in with contact my family and wife now.
    mike replied 6/26/14, 2:17 PM
    they contacted me, they sent me an invoice, please advise what i need to do, they have my ID number and are threatening to hand me over to the lawyers
    lawyer replied 6/27/14, 8:29 AM
    Please do not believe these guys. The more they feel you might be wavering and intimidated, the more they will call and call. Somehow they are getting people's phone line records illegally, which is the reason they would never let it go as far as court. I have spoken to a lawyer and he advises to tell them to f*** off! IT IS A SCAM.
    Unkown replied 10/22/14, 5:41 PM
    This number phoned me, threatening me that I owe them and I must settle my debts before 12h00 am this Friday.
    lawyer replied 10/22/14, 7:34 PM
    i am 100% certain this is a scam. they somehow get your phone details illegally. They say they have your id number but I doubt it. If they do, that is also obtained illegally. Do NOT Pay. It is unfortunate that they seem to contact people's family as well. Hopefully if they do, your wife will be understanding.
    Mavula replied 10/23/14, 2:50 PM
    These idiots have even contacted my boss regarding the alleged fraud I have committed and promised to take me to court if I do not pay by this Friday. they have my email address (do not know how they got it) and sent me a message that they will send me documents. I am still waiting for the documents. I have blocked these m*fuckers.
    AMG replied 10/29/14, 11:02 AM
    I just received a similar call. they also mentioned pay by Friday or handed over. they even played recordings. what about if we see the Telkom item bill. did anyone follow up on that
    Anonymous replied 12/12/15, 9:39 AM
    Don't worry about these guys they will call you and send messages and get your personal information but it's all just to intimidate you,these guys are looking to exploit you and sadly many fall victim to them and pay.
    just did my home work replied 2/5/16, 3:17 PM
    I also got a call from them and I googled allot of things and found this



    thought this might help all....

    Bryan replied 4/6/17, 3:53 PM
    I have a similar case, where they threatening to have me arrested. I called the sex chat number and when I discovered it was sex chat I ended the call which was not more than 3minutes. They claiming I owe them R1692 by tomorrow. I spoke to Lana. They sent me a what's with the details.
    Fekkah replied 4/6/17, 4:07 PM
    @Bryan: Don't pay them. It's a scam where they are trying to scare and bully you into paying. It's been almost 18 months now since I told them to go to hell, so they said they would see me in Court. I'm still waiting for their summons.
    Yusuf replied 8/29/19, 4:26 PM
    Please pm me. Urgent

  6. 1

    concerned reported 03111013260 with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    11/2/13, 11:10 PM

    Hi pls help called that number in october 2013, was told I owe 2700 nw legal action is going to be taken agaist me, can any of u tell me what 2 do? Do I have tym?or must I pay them?pls help urgent!!!

    lawyer replied 6/3/14, 4:35 PM
    Please do not be fooled into paying these people. The whole thing is a huge scam. They are very persistent and try to scare you with court and arrest etc. It is ALL LIES. Even when they threaten you with knowing your I D JUST IGNORE THEM. My teenage son got threatened by them. They love to target TEENS who are too scred to discuss this with an adult. Luckily my son has some common sense and decided to seek help. I have discussed the whole thinbg thoroughly with fellow lawyers. THIS IS A SCAM.
    colin replied 2/3/15, 3:29 PM
    I did make a complant at the saps tody please take this matter up wit the saps so that we can track them down and but them in jail 03-02-2015
    broke1 replied 7/8/15, 1:07 PM
    So I told this lady Marilyn that I would pay the money but I can only pay as much as I can afford and that is R100 a month she got angry and told Me to shove my R100 anyway that I've also got on recording
    Annoyed replied 10/2/15, 10:05 AM
    So I made a 1min call and I've got the same threats saying I owe R2550. Has any of you gone through this process?
    Anonymous replied 12/12/15, 9:48 AM
    Don't give them a cent,they keep on exploiting people. They're know much less than they say and have made comments under different aliases/names to try to scare you.
    anonymous replied 2/2/16, 9:47 PM
    Hi lawyer.I paid those people and feel terrible... I just want to know whether paying it will affect me in the future
    anonymous replied 2/2/16, 9:55 PM
    Hi lawyer... Its me again.. I really need to know if I can move on with my life without having to worry about them... Please help...
    Edd replied 4/27/17, 7:58 AM
    What was the out come of this issue since 2013?
    Charles Venter replied 11/8/18, 2:11 PM
    Please do not pay them, they are a bunch of scammers, read the rest of these comments.
    They have someone at Neotel Debt collectors that are helping them.
    Tell them to meet you at a police station, They will never meet you there.

  7. 0

    Kane reported unknown with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    3/19/20, 9:11 PM

    I seriously need help and I don't know what to do so me and my friend was just fooling around cause we drunk so it was his idea that we call some sex chat line thing not in the attention to do anything this was on the 29th of feb early parts of the morning the call was less then 2 min and we couldn't hear this lady and so we cut it they phoned a week later saying my number is being charged for fraud and I owe the r1800 they played the recording and in the recording I did say yes but I didn't say yes to agree to their terms I said yes because I couldn't hear her so I cut that call and phoned the police they said it's just a scam and I shouldn't worry about it unless theres a letter now today I turned on my old phone because I forgot that the number I phoned on has that whatsapp there and so they sent me a pdf with all my details from my ID number to my my name and surname which I didn't give then on any calls I am really scared cause they saying in the pdf that I'll be taken to court the company that lady said she was from was multi solution but on the pdf it's fsas someone please help

  8. 0

    Investigator Anonymous reported Chants investigations with the number ‎+27311013260 as Harassment calls

    7/30/19, 7:03 PM

    Since everyone has been complaining about chants investigations being a scam , when I had called the line I lied about my personal details and apparently my files will be sent to court if I dont pay the R1794 amount that everyone is asked to pay before mid day , can someone who has been through please inform me if I should pay or not because according to them they've got my family members details and will call and play the recording to them , would like someone to advise me on what to do in this matter , Thank you

    Fekkah replied 7/30/19, 7:13 PM
    Don't pay. Stand your ground. If they have to use such threats, they are acting illegally. Challenge them to meet you at a police station to discuss their claims and evidence.

    They won't do that. Guaranteed.

  9. 0

    Worried reported number ‎0311013260 as unknown

    7/10/19, 6:31 PM

    Hi guys,
    I received a call from C.S investigation today about this sex line that was called using my phone. I have no recollection of this.
    They have all my details including my spouse, place of work and address.
    Was asked to pay a sum of R1790.
    what should I do.

    Fekkah replied 7/10/19, 6:53 PM
    1. Read the comments on this page.
    2. Stop worrying.

  10. 0

    Investigator Unknown reported unknown with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    4/23/19, 8:54 PM

    I made a call to one of this lines 071 9138 746 and 072 0578 811. On the 13/04/2019, today I get a call from someone that's said I owe them over R1600. They played the recording for me and said they have voice recognition software. The lady got a bit rude and said that the recording says that I was told it was R150 for 10 minutes and I can call back for banking details to make payment as the payment was due in a few days.The lady said they will be taking legal action against me. Im kinda worried about this.

    Fekkah replied 4/23/19, 9:48 PM
    Don't be concerned.

    When the first step is the threat of legal action, you can be sure that they're not legitimate.

    Read through the comments on this page and decide for yourself what's more likely: Them being a decent business, or a bunch of extortionist goons.

    (Hint: After more than four years, I'm STILL waiting for a summons. Meanwhile, whatever claim they *may* have had has expired by legal prescription.)
    Their worst nightmare replied 4/24/19, 9:17 AM
    Don't stress in the least about this. Read my post below on what happened to me and them. They are chancers, tell them you are going to report it to the police then just block their numbers. Once they hear you are going to the police they'll stop immediately, trust me on that. They have no case against you, you have a right to conceal your identity when calling such places because you have a right to protect yourself and your information. Which stupid company tells you to call back for payment info, only to be trapped in the same call again? What if you called from a pay phone? Then who were they going to track (illegally).

  11. 0

    Investigator John reported Chant Investigations with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    4/15/19, 7:55 AM

    Hi there, so I got my call an letter from Bret, Chant Investigation Services demanding payment today. I have contacted my friends at SASS, old SA Secret Services and going to try and setup a face to face meeting, payment. Told my wife and family about it and, their incoming numbers will hopefully be tracked in day or so. Does anyone have a contact for me at the Police or investigation branch who is working on this case, I would like to also to get in touch with them. You can contact me on [email protected]. Thx

  12. 0

    Investigator Their worst nightmare! reported Social Media Investigations with the number ‎+27311013260 as Cost trap

    4/13/19, 6:47 AM

    Hi guys, I am the latest victim too. They called me saying everything you all said. I admitted calling, admitted to being given a service. I asked to be given until end of month. They called me around the 11th March 2019. I immediately sought legal advice from a lawyer friend. She told me not to pay. I called a friend who is a captain at the SAPS who also told me they are a SCAM. I SHOULD NOT PAY A CENT AND IGNORE THEIR CALLS. She, yes they're women, I'm resourceful like that lol... she called them and told them not to call me again or else she's handing them over to the Hawks. Needless to say, I told them where to get off before that too. I did not pay a cent and they have not called me or sent any summons since.

    According to the SAPS, they need to obtain a court order to get your personal information. I called the sex chat line a week before they called me. So the chances of them having gotten the court order is zero. The SAPS also said that the issue is so small, it would be reviewed by the court and be kicked out as it would be a waste of the court's time. There is a section about it, can't remember it now. If you read the National Credit Act, you will see that they have not even followed the procedure laid out there. Which already makes their case bogus.

    This is clearly extortion, which is punishable by 15 years in prison according to South African law. Please tell these people to f. off as soon as they call you and tell them you are reporting them to the Hawks.

    I will be uploading pics if I can of how I told them kak! Their last response (Jolene) was and I quote "You are clearly not man enough to face your problems" to which I responded "Yes I am, that's why I am telling you to proceed!"

    So please don't pay them, go to the police with their number and expose them. Their accusation of you opening a fruadulent account is bogus! They are acting unlawfully. They are a unregistered, even if they are, they are still acting illegally!

    John replied 4/15/19, 3:01 PM
    Hi can you contact me on [email protected] please thx

  13. 0

    Investigator Anonymous reported Sni investigations with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    1/9/19, 10:49 PM

    I have been threatened by the same number ‭+27 (31) 101-3992‬ and the same threats that everyone has received. @steven any feedback regarding there lawyers
    This is the sms
    pay Adult Entertainment S.A. at First National Bank. Account holder: Social Network. Account Number: 62335318590. Branch code: 250655. Ref: 54735 Outstanding amount R1794.00. and fax proof to 0866618892 or phone 0311013992 or email [email protected]. No later than 12:00 on 10/01/2019 to avoid further legal action and possible fraud charges.

    Gumbo replied 1/10/19, 11:54 AM
    One question. Why would a legitimate business that provides internet based cell phone content use a gmail address?

    Makes zero sense.
    Anonymous replied 1/10/19, 12:34 PM
    Exactly. I just want to make sure they don't contact anyone who I know. Like employers or family
    Their worst nightmare! replied 4/13/19, 7:18 AM
    @Steven, they called me too. A week after my so unsatisfying sex chat! I didn't even get a hard on.

    I've been to the police who told me that they are SCAMMERS trying to extort money from people and that I should just ignore them and not pay.

    I went to see a friend of mine who is a police officer, called them and told them that if they continue to harass me that they will be handed over to the hawks. They didn't even argue and are now quiet. I even exchanged blows on sms with Jolene. Robert didn't even bother calling me back.

    Just tell them you'd like documentation attached to their so called lawyer's letter. 1. Proof that you were billed and reminded several times and the final demand letter from their client stating that you will be handed over. Also, their client's business name, registration and physical address must be on the letter. You also want their company name, registration number and physical address.

    Tell them you also want to see the court order they obtained to have the permission to be in possession of your personal information. They have your ID no., your contacts etc right?

    According to my friend, who is a Captain btw, the court will review the case if they ever got their day in court and kick it out as it would be a waste of the court's time.

    Their accusation of it being a fraudulent account opened is bogus as no one gives their real name if they're going to buy that. DON'T PAY AND DON'T WORRY!!
    dennis replied 9/9/19, 4:49 PM
    yeah we all getting the same stuff from the same people from different locations and different numbers used.
    CS investigations south africa has a .info on it not a .gmail
    this is fake
    uvongo is in natal..
    i got called from PE and some of you from Pretoria.

    seems like there is a couple of people behind this.
    chant studios cc and adult entertainment sa seems to be names used and others as well from reading on posts.
    all linked to an fnb account

  14. 0

    mac reported Social Network with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    10/22/18, 2:52 PM

    Hi Fekkah, I've received a call from this contact demanding that I should pay R5000. The voice recording the played sounds more or less like me but this is extremely WEIRD!!! Not sure how they got it right!!! Also, she said If i dont pay they will lock me up and their lawyers will deal with me. I spoke to FNB and they say it's a legitimate account but a number of people reported this account number. (Acc: 62335318590) called SOCIAL NETWORK.

    I spoke to a lawyer and he advised me to ignore them and if they do forward a lawyer letter, he will be waiting on them.

    Please guys stay strong and don't be fooled by this stupid people!

    Fekkah replied 10/22/18, 3:04 PM
    Your lawyer is correct: Wait for them to start actually living up to their illegal threats--which they won't do.

    They are making far too many mistakes to be legitimate, so they try bully tactics instead. The fact that they have a valid FNB business account means absolutely nothing.
    stevie replied 11/7/18, 12:24 PM
    Hi Mac,
    Did you receive any lawyers letters or anything from them as yet?
    Thabo replied 12/4/18, 11:27 AM
    Hi Guys

    I should have read this comments. Just paid these guys R1794
    Unknown replied 12/28/18, 9:52 AM
    Hi everyone who has been scammed by these people if you want information about these peoples we're abouts let me know and everyone else who has paid these people let me know so that they can all go to jail

  15. 0

    Investigator STEVEN reported TNC with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    7/13/18, 12:01 PM

    Hi FEKKAH,i think you the person with most experience regarding this issues,i am sitting in the same boat i got contacted by a lady she said that she is from TNC Debt Collection said i must pay R4000 that owe for a sex chat line that a called she started getting rude on the phone with me there after a received sms's saying that they blacklisting and there is a warrant for my arrest out they even whatsapp me i have no idea where they get the details from,i received everyday harassment calls i just started to ignore them then it stopped for a month but now it started again where a guy phoned Tiaan said he is from Fraud Investigation Unit and that a case of fraud was opened against me for my sex chat account i even received a sms to say they will send the cops to pick me up if i don't phone them and sort the matter out,has anything happend to anyone on this site yet? they use this number 039 315 0198

    Fekkah replied 7/13/18, 2:06 PM
    Steven, I can tell you that they are all lying to you because this is not how debt collection works. What they are doing is in fact illegal.

    Don't be fooled. They are trying to bully you into paying. Read my other entries here to see why they have nothing on you.
    Anon replied 8/31/18, 7:23 AM
    Do they still contact you or did you go to court?
    [email protected] replied 8/31/18, 7:37 AM
    Tell them to Fuck off and just ignore them they are scammers
    anon replied 9/2/18, 7:25 AM
    hi did they take you to cour tor what happened please help
    Jack replied 9/20/18, 7:15 PM
    Did they call any people you know. What happned in the end. Fekkah, did any of their threats and or extortion oull through?
    Fekkah replied 9/20/18, 7:58 PM
    @Jack: No, it's more than three years now, and I'm still waiting for them to keep their promise of taking me to court. (Not that it would do them any good anymore since the alleged debt has prescribed.)
    Jack replied 9/20/18, 8:46 PM
    So they didn't call anyone you knnew or clise to you? Im freaking out and paranoid fekkah
    STEVEN replied 11/7/18, 3:53 PM
    Hi Fekkah,

    I received a lawyers letter from stating that i owe the money did anyone else receive one?
    Fekkah replied 11/7/18, 4:26 PM
    Okay, I'll need more info. Three questions to start with:

    (1) What medium is this letter? (Printed paper, electronic, fax, etc.)

    (2) How was it delivered to you?
    (Registered mail, e-mail, MMS, WhatsApp, etc.)

    (3) Did you verify that the sender is indeed a registered attorney? (It could be someone who has put a fake letterhead together or using another attorney's letterhead illegally.)

    In any case, wait for a summons, should such ever arrive, which I doubt. If it does, defend the matter on the grounds of improper procedure by the plaintiff.
    STEVEN replied 11/8/18, 3:30 PM
    Hi Fekkah,

    1.)It was printed paper on a letter head.

    2.)It was sent via registered mail.

    3.)I went on the internet and there is a website for the attorneys.
    Fekkah replied 11/9/18, 7:02 PM
    Right, so I'll need more details before I can help you.

    (1) What's the name of the attorney who signed the letter? (His/her name will be printed at the end of the letter, below their signature.)
    (2) What's the name of the firm the attorney works for? (The name is on the letterhead.)
    (3) What is their case reference number? (It is cited as "Our Reference" towards the top of the letter.)
    STEVEN replied 11/12/18, 12:01 PM
    Hi Fekkah,

    Is there a different way that we can communicate as they could be here on this site and see the details that you require from me,let me know.
    STEVEN replied 11/16/18, 12:04 PM
    Hi Charles,
    Did anything come of your situation that you had?
    Unknown replied 12/28/18, 9:53 AM
    Hi everyone who has been scammed by these people if you want information about these peoples we're abouts let me know and everyone else who has paid these people let me know so that they can all go to jail
    STEVEN replied 1/17/19, 10:20 PM
    Hi Unknown,
    Your help will be appreciated really.
    STEVEN replied 3/13/19, 11:55 AM
    Hi Fekkah,

    I require your help on this on going matter please.
    Their worst nightmare! replied 4/13/19, 7:20 AM
    @Steven, they called me too. A week after my so unsatisfying sex chat! I didn't even get a hard on.

    I've been to the SAPS who told me that they are SCAMMERS trying to extort money from people and that I should just ignore them and not pay.

    I went to see a friend of mine who is a police officer, called them and told them that if they continue to harass me that they will be handed over to the Hawks. They didn't even argue and are now quiet. I even exchanged blows on sms with Jolene. Robert didn't even bother calling me.

    Just tell them you'd like documentation attached to their so called lawyer's letter. 1. Proof that you were billed and reminded several times and the final demand letter from their client stating that you will be handed over. Also, their client's business name, registration and physical address must be on the letter. You also want their company name, registration number and physical address.

    Tell them you also want to see the court order they obtained to have the permission to be in possession of your personal information. They have your ID no., your contacts etc right?

    According to my friend, who is a Captain btw, the court will review the case if they ever got their day in court and kick it out as it would be a waste of the court's time.

    Their accusation of it being a fraudulent account opened is bogus as no one gives their real name if they're going to buy that. DON'T PAY AND DON'T WORRY!!

    I hope you read this Robert and Jolene!

  16. 0

    Anon415234 reported hot live girls with the number ‎+27311013260 as Harassment calls

    4/13/18, 11:08 AM

    I don't understand this thing ...so if any friend of mine calls me and i answer and say that i charge R2 per second to talk to me and he continues to talk then i can legally take him to court or charge him ? Don't make stupid jokes ppl i mean like really.

  17. 0

    nivzz reported tnc dj viljoen with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    2/28/18, 7:23 PM

    Hi. I've received a call from Daniel viljoen from tnc legal dept.

    Saying I should pay 3500 or legal action will proceed.

    He referred to me as jake and my name isn't jake. So when I told him he has the wrong number he threatened me by saying he'll have me arrested and what not.

    Being a student I am confused and terrified as I do not know what happened and why my number.

    Anyone can assist me as to what's the worst case scenario that could happen to me?

    Fekkah replied 2/28/18, 7:55 PM
    They are trying to bully you with scary threats to make you pay.

    You have nothing to fear from them. All they have is BS tactics. Just keep rejecting their claims and NEVER admit that you owe them anything. Offer to meet them at a police station if they call again. They will refuse. Guaranteed.

    To understand why I say so, carefully read all of the comments here.

  18. 0

    Worried reported Tnc with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    2/10/18, 6:04 AM

    Wants me to pay R1700 for phone sex other wise will be taken to court....

    Fekkah replied 2/10/18, 8:48 AM
    Empty threats. They have no case. Read the comments on this page to see why.
    anon replied 9/2/18, 7:28 AM
    did you got to court ?? please help

  19. 0

    Vees reported Social network investors with the number ‎+27311013260 as Harassment calls

    2/7/18, 11:08 PM

    I've called the number regarding a vacancy next thing I know getting sms calls and I've been told to pay or fraud and court and when I asked for the attorney name they couldn't give said it's private.then a lady called and said she's the attorney and going to court early.well 1st it was for a vacancy that's wrong info it was a hot line. 2nd I didn't give the person my correct info cause she said she needs my info to deal with so they said I gave wrong info that's fraud 3rd they got my I'd number correct .What should I do.

    John replied 2/8/18, 2:27 AM
    Just ignore them! You will be fine...they can't do anything except try to bully you to pay. They usually have a link to someone not he Mobile industry and will threaten to phone family etc...seriously just laugh at them or welcome the law suit. They can't do anything. Read all the other comments! Don't stress!
    Vees replied 2/11/18, 12:59 AM
    These guys are calling from diff numbers.and now adding people on Facebook

  20. 0

    Investigator Scared reported unknown with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    1/30/18, 6:44 AM

    Hi please advise if these people are legit I just got a call from them i am now very worried.

    Fekkah replied 1/30/18, 3:24 PM
    If you read through the comments on this page you will have all the answers you need.

  21. 0

    Mike reported Pvt with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    1/26/18, 5:31 PM

    031 101 3400 / 071 722 5902
    Hi got a call from very rude and persistant suzanne to pay R1695 or face court? Are they scammers?

    Anon415234 replied 4/13/18, 11:13 AM
    Hi mike is there any update on your situation?

  22. 0

    Mike reported Pvt with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    1/26/18, 5:30 PM

    031 101 3400 / 071 722 5902
    Hi got a call from very rude and persistant suzanne to pay R1695 or face court? Are they scammers?

  23. 0

    Anonymous reported Sasha lee with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    1/10/18, 5:56 PM

    Hi guys I want to be anonymous at this stage, a friends and I were messing around some time back and we called this prostitute she asked for a date of birth and asked if we would like phone sex I gave the wrong details however I got an sms with all my correct details including my name surname and id number , I immediately called the number because I got scared how does these people get the correct contact details when I never gave any to the lady .this debt collector mentioned that I will go to jail if i don't pay 1600rand her the number is 0311013400 and the lady's name is Sasha Lee please guys tell me how do they get my correct details thanks

    Fekkah replied 1/10/18, 6:16 PM
    They get your details illegally from your cell/phone number, through one of their "friends" who works either for a cell phone services provider or for a credit bureau.

    If they threaten you with court (which they surely will do soon), don't be intimidated. In court they would have to prove that they got your details by legal means. They will be unable to do so since they are not a proper registered service provider with a VAT number, and so their case will totally collapse.

    If they keep contacting you, tell them to meet you at a police station with their "proof". They will avoid that at all costs because they are lousy scammers.
    Ssnz replied 1/22/18, 5:38 PM
    This has also happened to me last week. Got a call from this lady telling me I owe 2600 for a call that I made and that if I don't pay I will be issued with a warrant of arrest. They have also added me on WhatsApp and sent me a pdf file stating identity theft and to pay the amount to avoid any arrests they recently contacted my home. But right now I'm doing this the legal way.. Since apparently they say they are too.. So, so will I... Any suggestions guys?,
    Was contacted by S N investigatio their number was 0311013400
    Fekkah replied 1/22/18, 5:46 PM
    Yes, just one suggestion, @Ssnz: Read ALL of the comments here. They will answer ALL of your questions and then you will hopefully understand that these crooks don't have a leg to stand on.

    Anon replied 8/31/18, 7:22 AM
    Guys what happened did anyone go to court or anything?
    Unknown replied 12/28/18, 9:55 AM
    Hi everyone who has been scammed by these people if you want information about these peoples we're abouts let me know and everyone else who has paid these people let me know so that they can all go to jail

  24. 0

    Investigator Wayne reported number ‎0311013260 as Trollip industries

    1/10/18, 1:52 PM

    I received a call from them today I called her bluff the whole way

  25. 0

    Investigator John reported unknown with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    12/19/17, 10:58 PM

    Hi there, 0311013400 is this also a dodgey number? They are forcing me to pay R1692. R1092 for the 'Sex call' and R600 for service charge. Problem is how did they get my adress and ID number?

    Fekkah replied 12/20/17, 6:50 AM
    It's very likely they obtained your details illegally, probably through a "friend" of theirs who works either at a cell phone services provider or at one of the credit bureaus.

    They will have to provide proper proof that they got your info legally otherwise they have no case. All they have are empty threats and bully tactics.

    After nearly two years, I'm still waiting for them to try and take me to court, after I told them repeatedly that they should go stuff themselves.
    John replied 12/20/17, 10:06 AM
    Thanks so much for this!! I really appreciate your feedback!
    Mike replied 1/26/18, 5:22 PM
    Can u let me know if u paid or what happened? Same nr called me now 26.01.2018 with long whatsup and personal info? Are they scammers?

  26. 0

    xxxmom reported TNC with the number ‎0311013260 as Aggressive advertising

    12/19/17, 10:53 PM

    Comment:Hi,fakkah does any one know this number 0742028024 this lady said i must pay them R1600 for phone sex chatline i ask her for there office number she said that number is office number the company name is TNC admin and she send threats over WhatsApp also what must i do

    Special crimes unit replied 10/12/18, 12:00 AM
    Good day that number belongs to them please stay calm and do not entertain these people please go to your nearest police station and report it under adult extortion, our crime intelligence team is working on it as well as listing all contact details. They have made contact today with an undercover office via cell
    Malcolm replied 12/24/18, 11:19 AM
    They did they same to me and called my wife...and threatened to call my mother...i just not taking note of their calls...i will go to a police station and ask them to call them and hear what they have to say then

  27. 0

    AKA**':;!?? reported TNC admin for hotlips sex chatline with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    12/19/17, 10:48 PM

    Comment:Hi,fakkah does any one know this number 0742028024 this lady said i must pay them R1600 for phone sex chatline i ask her for there office number she said that number is office number the company name is TNC admin and she send threats over WhatsApp also what must i do

  28. 0

    Investigator AKA**':;!?? reported TNC admin for hotlips sex chatline with the number ‎+27311013260 as Harassment calls

    12/19/17, 10:46 PM

    Comment:Hi,fakkah does any one know this number 0742028024 this lady said i must pay them R1600 for phone sex chatline i ask her for there office number she said that number is office number the company name is TNC admin and she send threats over WhatsApp also what must i do

    Fekkah replied 12/20/17, 6:55 AM
    No, I don't know that number but it sounds like the same bunch of scam artists.

    What should you do? (1) READ the EFFING comments here! All the answers are in them. (2) Stop worrying! (3) Don't post the same comment over and over again!

  29. 0

    kevin reported adult entertainment with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    11/7/17, 4:36 PM

    I got a call from this number 0311013400 they are calling me continuously they have my details they say I'm owing 7120 rand what should I do they want to take me and have a warrant of arrest wat should I do

    Fekkah replied 11/7/17, 4:44 PM
    They are lying to you. They don't have any warrant. Whatever info they have, they obtained illegally.

    Tell them to get stuffed. Tell them often enough and they will leave you alone. Guaranteed.

  30. 0

    kevin reported adult entertainment with the number ‎0311013260 as Debt collection company

    11/7/17, 4:35 PM

    I got a call from this number 0311013400 they are calling me continuously they have my details they say I'm owing 7120 rand what should I do they want to take me and have a warrant of arrest wat should I do

  31. 0

    John doe reported George with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    10/3/17, 3:25 AM

    Hey guys I got call s from 031101377and what's app messages from 0723527639 from Robert he's First message was my moms name then my sis name saying they will b informed and I need to pay them r1692 by Friday and he will call me in the morning

    Boy replied 10/3/17, 8:41 AM
    Don't stress. They will try different techniques to try and intimidate you. It's strange that everyone owes them the same amount, R1692!! Don't pay!! They can't do anything. Tell this guy to come meet you at the police station. They won't pitch up. Do what I did. I just blocked their numbers. It's a scam. Don't fall for it. This dude calls, swear him!! I feel like calling them and swearing them just for the sake of it

  32. 0

    laugh a minute reported social network with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    9/8/17, 1:25 PM

    hi this people will try anything and everything ..they will call your work an spouse but just stand your ground.they are ruthless with no leg to stand on..its all ab bunch of trics to get money.they should work for there money.so dont give in.

  33. 0

    Investigator Dean reported Social Media with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    9/7/17, 8:05 PM

    Mr. Xxxx ID xxxxxx Contact Lani on 0311013400 regarding possible fraud commited. If no contact is made we will regard it as admission of guilt. The owner of the phone under investigation xxxxxxxx may be subpoened and held liable for all costs incurred, fraud charges may be laid at the SAPS. Your ref: XXXX/09/17

    Fekkah replied 9/7/17, 8:12 PM
    Bwahahahaaaah! SMS is not a legitimate way to make legal threats 'cos there's no proof of service.

    That's just one more among the dozens of mistakes these greedy bully morons make.

  34. 0

    Investigator Should I pay? reported Social Network / Lani with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    9/5/17, 7:39 PM

    @workstress @fekkah @johan... I got the same call today. I have read all the comments above but I would like to know if you Have heard anything from them again? Or have you dealt with any summons or legal proceedings?

    Fekkah replied 9/5/17, 8:03 PM
    No, not a word. I have now been waiting almost two years for them to do what they threatened.

    And because they haven't done anything in all that time, I still say they are big-time liars and crooks whose only tactic is to try to bully people. They fold like a cheap suit as soon as you tell them to get lost.
    Boytjie replied 9/6/17, 8:46 PM
    Bro, I told them that they should call my lawyer, gave them a friends number and stopped answering their calls. In fact I blocked their numbers. Haven't heard from them since. It's been 4 months already. What I want to do is call that number and swear them..it's a scam, they can't do shit

  35. 0

    Work stress reported number ‎0311013260 as unknown

    7/17/17, 6:51 PM

    Got a call from Robert..it was on Saturday and called the chat line using my work laptop...they even know my line managers...everything including my personal details...they threaten to send the recording to head office as I was using my work laptop....please help don't want to loose my internship

    Fekkah replied 7/17/17, 7:08 PM
    These guys are liars and crooks who are trying to scare you into paying. Don't pay. That is a mistake.

    Every time they call, tell them to meet you at a police station with their proof. They won't do it. They will carry on with their threats, but they are breaking the law when they do this.

    You won't lose anything. I have been waiting almost two years now for them to do something other than threaten.
    Work stress replied 7/17/17, 7:21 PM
    But what of they play the recording to my manager...then my manager check the record and see that I was doing that using my work resources?
    Work stress replied 7/17/17, 7:22 PM
    Because they called my manager and he told them he was on leave?
    Fekkah replied 7/17/17, 7:32 PM
    Just stop worrying, okay? They won't do anything of the sort because they will be breaking the law if they do.

    The only thing they will do is to try to scare you into paying.

    You want me to fix your problem for you. I can't do that. I repeat: Stop worrying. There is nothing they can do to you without they themselves getting in trouble.

    I won't answer any more of your questions. I have better things to do. For the last time, stop worrying.

  36. 0

    Investigator Boy reported unknown with the number ‎0311013260 as Harassment calls

    5/18/17, 6:50 PM

    A lady by the name of Adele is also harassing me. I did call once but I did not do anything and cut the call shortly after. She says I owe them cos I agreed to a R100 special. I did not take it and cut the call. I see most of the amounts on here are around R1692 and that's what I owe according to them. At first I gave in and said I'll pay but after I cut the call, I thought about it and googled the number the y called from, that 0861 number and that's where i found all of this. Thanx to this, I know this is a fraud, I've opened a case of harassment against them and got a a good lawyer friend involved who can bully just as bad as they can. I'm not gona pay and thanx to the guys on here for helping the unfortunate

    Mustafah Petersen replied 6/10/19, 3:49 PM
    Hey I got that same call today what Good day, Adele from C.S. Investigations. I have been trying to reach you for some time now regarding this phone number. If no contact is made in 24 hours ITC listing will take place. Your details are traced and fraud charges may possibly be opened. To stop the legal action phone Adele on 0125343621. Refrence 57884 I do bra

  37. 0

    storrm reported unknown with the number ‎+27311013260 as Aggressive advertising

    3/27/17, 11:01 PM


  38. 0

    Investigator storm reported social network with the number ‎+27311013260 as Harassment calls

    2/2/17, 1:44 AM

    I am in same boat now as everyone else, guy by the name of Robert is calling and threatening me, he has a huge surprise coming his way though. This is people with families of their own but their greed clouds their minds, how do they sleep at night, and they think what they doing to other people is okay. There is a man above watching, and what you do unto other will be done unto you. These people needs to be locked up and someone has to stop them as they seeking a easier way out of life to support their lifestyle, none of us is above the law and that goes for these criminals who make honest people out to being criminals or fraudster but yet they the ones doing exactly that. i wonder if this same people goes to church on a Sun, have you no shame? If you asking if calling a sex chatline is a shame, it is not, I know they get updates on this post and they will be sure to be reading this. beat them at their own game.

    Fekkah replied 2/2/17, 8:08 AM
    The best way to beat them is to laugh in their faces. After more than a year, they have yet to make good on their ridiculous threats after I laughed at them and told them to take a long walk on a short pier.

    They are bullies whose only weapon is intimidation, nothing more. And like all bullies, they fold like a cheap suit when you push back.

  39. 0

    Annomonmys student reported Hot live girls/social network with the number ‎+27311013260 as Debt collection company

    11/22/16, 5:29 PM

    Hi people, I did use the number however I only used it once, now they are telling me I have to pay otherwise they will open up fraud cases against me. I'm only 19. Should I pay them just in case? I don't want my parents to find out about this.

    Fekkah replied 11/22/16, 5:41 PM
    Don't pay. They are liars and bullies who are trying to scare you. Don't let them.

    They are breaking too many laws to be legitimate. They will try to harass you into paying. Don't let them.

    Tell them to meet you at a police station with all their documents and recordings. They won't do that because they are crooks. And whatever else you do, don't agree that you owe them money. They have to prove that. The recordings they might say they have are not good enough.

  40. 0

    lawguy reported Social Media with the number ‎0311013260 as Cost trap

    10/20/16, 10:45 PM

    People do not pay them lay a formal charge against them at the Consumer Complaints of South Africa also the company name they are using is not a legal company nor do they have a legal invoice with a Vat Nr or registration nr. So also lay a charge with the South African Revenue service for tax fraud. Then also contact FNB on their fraud line to say you are being blackmailed into paying money into that account. As these people are fraudulent they can not threaten you or blaikmail you into paying as it is against the consumer act of South Africa also if you have paid money to them go to your nearest police station and lay a charge of extortion against them. If you haven't paid them you can lay a charge against them for making threats against you. And if they phoned people and played a recording it is Defamation of character and blackmail charges. They can't open a case of fraud against you or put a warrant of arrest out on you or list you with ITC. As legaly they have no grounds for it. Go to your nearest police station they will confirm this.
    Hope this helps you

    cracker replied 11/10/16, 11:42 PM
    So what if you said an incorrect name and stuff and just said OK even though you didn't even catch there T's&C's . I mean that lady was just talking and I cut the call after 2mins

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‎+27 31 1013260